Thursday, October 17, 2019

18th and 19th century creative artists role Essay

18th and 19th century creative artists role - Essay Example The features of art movements reveal a lot about the times in which the artists lived. The mid-eighteenth century saw the rising of an art movement called rococo. Previously, baroque dominated art in Europe, specifically in France where rococo emerged. The emergence of rococo resulted from the extreme use of the baroque in court paintings during the reign of Louis XIV (Sheriff and Watteau 27). Architecture, painting, sculptures and any art form in that era exhibited the baroque features. With some creative artists feeling that it was time for France to explore more in art and its different tastes, rococo emerged. With the new art culture, artists assumed the role of â€Å"social leaders.† During the emergence of rococo, the creative artists played the role of conveying changes in society to the people. Creative artists represented each of the social changes in their work. The death of Louis XIV motivated artists to adopt a new art style to mark the end of reign (Sheriff and Watteau 27). Artists sought to create a transition from the stringent use of baroque effects. In addition, the control of artwork shifted to aristocrats. Before rococo emerged, artists emphasized the value of power in society in most of the art pieces. In the period of rococo, many artists utilized art to emphasize the importance of entertainment. In this era, the attitudes of society had changed because of a new reign in the royalty. Creative artists sought to represent the political changes in society in their artwork and opted for a relaxed style that could emphasize the shift. In addition, the artists also acted to sensitize people on the changing roles of women in society. Europe was beginning to accept contribution of women to society. Although this was to a less extent and women did not have many rights, the theme appeared greatly in rococo work. The creative artists were sensitizing society on the change of attitude towards women. Moreover, some paintings and sculptures by

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